Flyer about the project Competent to do
Project: “Competen to do”
“The transfer of competences for tutors to achieve business (vocational) and social competences of female prisoners and ex-offenders”
- Female Prison Ig (Slovenia),
- The Employment Service of Slovenia (Slovenia),
- Panevezys adult school (Lithuania).
The consortium was formed as a result of the experiences in education of prisoners and ex-offenders, depending on experiences with introduction of new approaches in education and motivation of people for education, based on their activities in accordance to a strategy of gender equality, based on experiences in methodological approaches of researches, based on experiences with the introduction of e-learning in prison and to international experiences and existing partner network.
Transfer of innovation: the transfer of good practice examples by the FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin (FCZB) who have many years of experiences to work with female prisoners (and ex-offenders), have the qualified tutors – trainers, they carry out IT training for women.
1. Bring the education and training modules for acquiring general entrepreneurial and social competences of female prisoners (ex-offenders) with qualified mentors
Purpose: motivation for continuous education of female prisoners and ex-offenders, easier decision for the type of vocational training, continuing professional education more successful, more successful job search or continue to self-employment
2. Training of tutors (Berlin)
Grounds: tutors who teach in prison are not qualified to work with prisoners; needs of female prisoners are different from men’s needs; women are discriminated against education and also occupational opportunities
3. Pilot Implementation (Slovenia, Lithuania)
Purpose: training of female prisoners (6-8) – need general entrepreneurial and social competences by trained tutors, evaluation module (Part A – entrepreneurial competences, Part B – social competences) and evaluation of training (if training has an impact on decision for inclusion in further education, or has influence in a positive attitude towards employment or self-employment).
The products and results of this project will be used by: